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Rekening: NL12INGB0674678842
T.n.v.: Stichting de Leeuw Kyiv

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JenaXL raises over €5.5 thousand and donates 65 bicycles

RTV Focus Zwolle was at the JenaXL School when the cheque and 65 bicycles were handed over to De Leeuw Kyiv.

JenaXL collects over 5,5 thousand Euro and donates 65 bicycles

RTV Focus Zwolle was at the JenaXL School when the cheque of €5.632,60 and 65 bicycles were handed over to the De Leeuw Kyiv Foundation. The school had organised all kinds of actions in the previous month to collect the money and the bicycles. The finale of the action month was on the 4th of July when the bicycles were also refurbished.

Many thanks JenaXL School in Zwolle!

The clip can be seen here .