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T.n.v.: Stichting de Leeuw Kyiv
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Emmeke makes appeal in Dagblad van het Noorden to donate bicycles for Ukraine
Emmeke has now made the call to donate bicycles in the Dagblad van het Noorden. Together with the Sailing of Freedom Foundation, The Lion Kyiv wants to donate 2,000 bicycles to Ukraine. These are for health and education personnel, civilians and even the military.
Many thanks for donating a working bike!
Open the article here .
You can drop off a bike at the following places.
- Ulbe Twijstrawei 25, Akkrum, Kees Akkerman, 06-51203267, Only on Saturdays, by appointment only, please call
- Stationsweg 14, Alkmaar, Alexey +31 6 1469 9383
- Miereveldstraat 72, Amersfoort, Maxim, +31 6 2414 7046, by appointment only
- Aambeeldstraat 34, Amsterdam, Call before coming in to check if there's enough storage space, Mykola +31 6 4442 2759
- Lentestraat 11, Amsterdam, Veronika +31 6 8386 5141
- De Wittenkade 111, Amsterdam, Maxim, Volunteers with no limits+31 6 2998 5218 please call in advance
- Slagsteeg 20 Bennekom, Floor & Lodewijk +31 6 2868 4261 or +31 6 4838 3101. By appointment only, please call
- Wildertstraat 1a Chaam, Fam. Stevens +31 6 2811 0427. By appointment only, please call
- Tankenberglaan 8, Eindhoven, Gyulnara +31 6 1705 9193 By appointment only, please call
- Hattem, Ron Willemsen +31 6 1478 5078 By appointment only, please call
- Hoofdweg 36, 9627 PD Hellum (near Groningen), Henk de Haan +31 6 2508 3801. By appointment only, please call
- Victor de Stuersstraat 32B, Maastricht, Anton +31 6 4001 8935. By appointment only
- Uiterdijkenweg 48, Marknesse, Gert +31 6 3015 2571
- Stougjesdijk 126, Mijnsheerenland, Fam. Johan Kruijthoff +31 6 5394 6900
- Shurgard - Ravenswade 1c, Nieuwegein, Andrey/Irina +31 6 85290404. By appointment only, please call
- Noorderdiep 117, Nieuw Buinen (near Stadskanaal), R.J. Wollerich, +31 6 3877 2533. By appointment only, please call
- Rijnlanderweg 1182, Nieuw Vennep, Olga/Anja +316 5781 3219
- Pascalstraat 80, Purmerend, Natalie/Anja +316 5781 3219
- Vierhavensstraat 56, Rotterdam, Code 2000 bikes to Ukraine
- Lobeliuslaan 329, Zaandam, Bogdana/Anja +316 5781 3219