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T.n.v.: Stichting de Leeuw Kyiv

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Emmeke at Wageningen Talks about our water filter project

Emmeke talks about the importance of the Water Filter Project at Wageningen Talks.

Emmeke at Wageningen Talks about our water filter project

In addition to all the other horrors of war, many people in Ukraine are also affected by a lack of clean drinking water. All along the front lines and in recently liberated areas, drinking water supplies have been destroyed or severely damaged. In those regions, groundwater is too deep to drill wells, and surface water is often polluted and sickening.

Safe drinking water is vitally important, which is why De Leeuw Kyiv, together with the Rotary Estoi Palace International and Rio D. Praaning Prawira Adiningrat, started a project to bring drinking water filters from Nazava Water Filters to the affected areas. We are doing this together with SAVE UA, the humanitarian foundation of the Ukrainian Agri Council. Thus, with this project we are also creating jobs for local refugees. More information and crowdfunding at this page. Watch Wageningen University & Research's video Wageningen Talks in which Emmeke interviewed about our new project.