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Rekening: NL12INGB0674678842
T.n.v.: Stichting de Leeuw Kyiv

hier voor de gegevens van Stichting de Leeuw Kyiv.

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Dutch farmer in Ukraine

Dutch farmer in Ukraine is the site of Kees Huizinga and Emmeke Vierhout. They take care of collections, distribution and communication.

Dutch farmer in Ukraine is the personal page and platform of Kees Huizinga and Emmeke Vierhout. They have a 15,000-hectare farm near Uman, Ukraine. Their farm is an important distribution point for humanitarian aid goods before it is further spread to the east of the country.

Kees is also the spokesperson for all Ukrainian farmers in order to publicise the huge transport problems of Ukrainian agricultural goods and the global food problems caused by them. Emmeke is active in organising collections and communication for De Leeuw Kyiv.