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T.n.v.: Stichting de Leeuw Kyiv

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Arno Klijbroek in the Telegraph on generators for Ukraine

The Telegraph films how Arno loads another truck with power generators.

Arno Klijbroek in the Telegraph on generators for Ukraine

On November 12, The Telegraph published a video published with colleague Arno Klijbroek about the deliveries of generators to Ukraine by De Leeuw Kyiv. Several truckloads of power generators have already been delivered to Ukraine. Due to Russia's missile and drone attacks on power supplies in Ukraine, many regions of Ukraine are now without power for large parts of the day. The gensets are being delivered to hospitals and water utilities, among others, and have been received with open arms.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian people remain persistent and combative. The Russians cannot break Ukraine's the will and resistance also says defense expert Peter Wijninga of The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies in the video.

Support the action for power generators for Ukraine at GoFundMe.